Sunday, May 27, 2012


The best way to order your Cutie is by emailing me at with your specific order. You can also 'like' and message me through my Facebook page Once you have told me your order and given me all the details I will put it up on my Etsy Store as a "To Be Made" order with a title "For (Your Name): (Cutie Ordered)" and you can make your final purchase there.  It should look similar to this.

You can pay with any credit or debit card, or with PayPal. Once you have made your purchase I will start on your Soft Cuddly Cutie. This could take up to a week, depending on the number of orders I have, but never longer. Remember that these are hand made specific to your request. After your Soft Cuddly Cutie is made I will ship it to you using standard US shipping. Once you have your cutie you can do what you choose with it.

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